torsdag 21 januari 2016

Slash by Anthony Bozza

The book is about Saul Hudson who is better known as Slash and was the original member of Guns N 'Roses during the second half of the 80th century. It is the former Rolling Stone journalist Anthony Bozza who wrote the biography of Slash.

The best part of the book I think is that you must follow Slash's history from birth to present day and not just when he was greatest with GNR. Slash lived the rock ‘n’ roll myth with elements of drugs, alcohol and constant partying.

Slash lived a pretty wild life, you could say, and it started when he was 12 years of driving around Los Angeles on his BMX with their friends. At age 12, he had already started drinking alcohol and smoking hashish with their friends and this continued right up until his adult life. It all went so far that he was dying, but managed to survive.

The thing to reflect on is that drugs and alcohol can really destroy a person in a very brutal way but even in this case successfully stopped that and come back to life without it. Because in the book it is told how he came back to normal life.

The question one can ask is what makes a person to try drugs and alcohol abuse? There are of course many answers to that question from the misery of depression to loneliness. Why produced hard drugs anyway? Is it just because criminals want to earn as much money as possible as it apparently is a big market for it.

For alcohol and drug abuse is a form of the disease and can be many abusers may be difficult to get rid of. How do we get rid of the drug trade and reducing alcohol abuse? For many states have engaged in a war against drugs, which in itself has claimed many lives and the approach has been severely criticized by many. Sweden has a rather unique system for trading in alcohol where the state has a monopoly over the sale and control it. This means that alcohol is not available everywhere without the state's specialty stores for alcohol. I believe in the Swedish system, and it is good that the sale of alcohol has limited availability.

The book is worth reading if you are interested in hard rock or generally interested in how Slash lived during the heyday of the GNR and how he lives today.

lördag 21 november 2015

Are droids taking our jobs?

Are droids really taking our jobs? My answer to that question is both yes and no. Why yes is for droids will dominate on simple assembly and installation jobs and do it a lot faster and better than a human. The no answer is for that the droids will create new jobs. the droids are programmed mechanical machines that needs a programmer to program the droid and a human that can do service and repairs on broken ones. Even if droids are taking some our jobs the humans will be better on other things like develop new things and technology. I don't think droids are gonna replace all humans and we are gonna live together with the droids and let them do the heavy work and lifting.

I think also droids will be very helpful in the medical and health care business and will help us take care of ill and sick humans. I believe in a bright future were we will live in peace together with droids and new technology. 


onsdag 30 september 2015

How Facebook changed the world

I have read the article "From relationships to revolution: Sevenways Facebook has changed the world" which is about Facebook and how social media has changed the way we communicate with friends, family and acquaintances. Facebook has changed a lot in the way we communicate and foremost what we call friends, from family members to superficial acquaintances. For just as it is mentioned in the article, it is very easy to add to any and to remove any with just one click. Just that one can remove someone just with a click over real life where you have to grab it and solve it on the spot which makes life on Facebook might be a little simpler than the reality. One thing that struck me when I think of this how easy it is to get in touch with people compared to when I was little. Because when I was little, before I started using it, it was the only way to come in contact with friends to call them on the phone or go and knock on their door. Today it is just to use Facebook's built-in instant messenger and send a message when most have Messenger on their phone and computer.

That it has become easier to get in touch with people with this, it has also become easier to be spontaneous and organize spontaneous events with friends and acquaintances. Facebook is used not only by individuals but also by public figures like celebrities and politicians.
Just that even politicians use Facebook makes it easier for them to spread their views and large parts of todays elections could as well be won through social media. Which can be both good and bad, the bad is that they can be easy to use Facebook as a politician instead of going out and meeting people. Speaking of bad and good with Facebook as it can also be used by criminals who are after personal data that can be used to commit fraud. Because the whole is a fairly new phenomenon, as is sometimes the police is after by the investigating these scams then usually criminals hiding behind the bottle profiles. An example of such fraud was a while ago when it was circulating false ICA gift card on Facebook. The whole thing was that the user should click on a link to fill in the details to get the gift which was of course false. But even good deeds have been using Facebook as people have found jobs through the businesses that use Facebook to find them there. Even companies acting Facebook to advertise and get in touch with the new and old customers. Much of Facebook's revenue comes precisely from ads then they are free to use. As the article says many users list their interests which allows companies to target advertising based on what users like.

Even how we get in touch with news today have Facebook changed and how the journalists distribute their articles. Now a journalist need just to link his articles on Facebook to find readers instead of issue the articles in a magazine or newspaper.

So, in the end Facebook have changed a lot in our ways to communicate with each other and not only for individuals even politician use it and other public figures. Facebook have open new doors for both good and bad peoples. So be safe out there and if something is to good to be true, it is often so. It is also good to have source criticism when you read articles and status updates on Facebook.